Monday 18 January 2016

Chapter 18 - "The Way to Nowhere" - preceding chapters may be accessed from the Archive on the right. Click on "2015" - then click on "Older Posts" at bottom of page.

Chapter 18

Everything is in everything; everything is the same as everything else

The Psychic Healers of Luzon

Baguio City was laid out during the early years of the 19th century by American architects. In 1898 the Americans had defeated the Spanish fleet and had taken over the Philippines following an unbroken period of Spanish rule of more than three hundred years. The Spaniards had brought Christianity, specifically Catholicism, to the country and had introduced Spanish culture and language.

Christianity displaced the religion of the Islamic rulers who had established themselves in the Philippines, apart from the southern island of Mindanao where many Moslems resisted the Spanish rule, sowing the seeds of later dissension. When the Americans arrived they brought missionaries who established schools and taught English to the people of the Mountain Province.....................................................

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